Explore and Discover
The Explore and Discover Stage is the first part of our project. In this stage the Guardians of Nature came together for our first ZOOM meetings. The lockdown regulations were still afoot, and we could only meet digitally. However, we learnt so much about wildlife in our first sessions, by doing our individual explorations and coming together to share them with each other.
Our Exploration Gallery
Have a look at the photos we took and shared with each other when exploring and discovering green spaces and wildlife:

Our Trip To Walthamstow Wetlands
As a courtesy of London Wildlife Trust and London Youth, the Guardians of Nature got a personal tour to the amazingly vast and colourful Walthamstow Wetlands which, according to the lovely Laura, our tour guide, is the biggest Nature Reserve in the whole of Europe.
As part of our visit we got to walk around the Reserve and observe the amazing variety of wildlife and green space. We got to explore wildlife hands on too! We took lots of pictures and were welcomed to the Walthamstow Wetland’s café, The Larder Café at the Engine House – the sandwiches were super delicious!
Lastly, we got to learn how to light a fire (safely!), bake marshmallows and make, wait for it….S’MORES!
Meet the Team

Our Zoom Sessions
Our first ZOOM sessions were a space where the Guardians of Nature got together to appreciate and research wildlife and green spaces in their local areas.
We shared facts, photos & created posters together. All the research we did helped us get inspired and motivated to create the other parts of the project.
The Guardians of Nature also had planning sessions where we got to plan and strategize for the next steps, team-bonding activities, conservation stages, etc. We also learnt a lot about each other and developed digital skills, teamwork, and leadership skills. These lessons were very valuable in the future parts of the project.
Explore & Discover: Our Research Gallery
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