Events and More
While advocating for green change, the Guardians of Nature are also part of the whole Shpresa Programme family, which engages all of its teams and projects in one welcoming dining table. The Guardians of Nature got to present and be part of all the celebrations of the past year, beyond most of them being virtual, we were still given our space to share our knowledge and passion about green spaces and wildlife.
Kosovo's Independence Day Celebration
Kosovo’s Independence Day Celebration was a wonderful event that brought us together. Our presentation was welcomed with warm applause and appreciation from all participants as well as well-known names such as the Ambassador of Kosovo Arrita Gjakova, Remzie Zeka Sherifi, winner of the ‘Emigrant Woman of the Year’ in Scotland and other awards, Bedri Islami, part of Kosovo’s Liberation Army leadership and well-known figure of political importance, Bekim Halili Veteran of KLA, Osman Caka martyr father, and Mariela Çingo concert pianist, founder & director of Stage Talent Academy and many others.
Mental Health & Nature Event
As we listened, we learnt, our understanding of Shpresa’s work on Mental Health and Wellbeing grew and set a warm glow on our hearts – to see such rapid changes in our community, is inspiring. The Guardians of the Environment presented their ‘Green Stories’, after all, Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 was dedicated to nature. After showcasing their impressive work, ERIK, ANISE, LISA & RANIA talked about Shpresa Programme’s support on their Mental Health, how the Keeping It Wild Saturday sessions kept them active and inspired them to go outside, enjoy the green spaces and dedicate time to their mental health and wellbeing.
International Children's Day Celebration
A day that matters very much to us, as young people is the 1st June, the International Children’s Day. It is a very important and very colourful day at Shpresa Programme that brings joy and makes us proud of the children and the young people that participate.
The Guardians of Nature got to talk about what they are most passionate about, and explain the remaining parts of their Project. We also got to introduce and give certificates for the Sports children’s programme. Among all the songs, poems, beautiful presentations, the Guardians of Nature felt very lucky and inspired to be part of this event.
Guardians of Nature Celebration Event
And Finally...
Our Final and most important event.
It all started with a ZOOM meeting, during one of the many afternoons we were spending at home, unable to go back to the ‘normal’ that we were distanced from for so long. At first, we had no idea that a simple zoom meeting could be the beginning of something bigger than all of us. The celebration event was a chance for us to reflect on a busy and colourful year of social activism, arts & crafts, the digital world, leadership, teamwork and most importantly, friendship.
In this event we walked through the journey we have taken since November 2020, where we got to asses and analyse the need for green spaces in London, beginning from our own neighbourhoods & local areas, and promoting nature conservation. We talked about what all the different teams have worked on, and how our initial plans have taken shape now. We also thanked trainings from London Youth and London Wildlife Trust that equipped us with presentation, conservation and environmental awareness skills, as well as our weekly sessions.
As part of the project we have also created Albanian Classes for children dedicated to nature & conservation. With London Youth we have worked on the Sports Programme, which has also focused on the importance of nature in our physical Health as well as Mental Health. We have applied this knowledge from these trainings in different practices and approaches that we feel, made a difference!
We are happy and proud of ourselves for achieving all we did, and as we share our virtual hugs, we know that we will always be a team, passionate about nature, wildlife & conservation. We have made friends we have worked with for months, that we will have for life!
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