Important Numbers & Websites


Call 999 in an emegency


Call 999 in an emegency

Fire Brigade

Call 999 in an emegency

COVID-19: 111 (dedicated helpline)

Call 999 in an emegency


Domestic Abuse National Helpline:

Man Kind helpline for male victims of domestic abuse


0182 333 4244

Mind (for better mental health)

0300 123 3393

Samaritans (National Suicide Helpline)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Frank (Substance abuse support line)

Gamcare (support for those affected by gambling)

080 88 020 133

NSPCC's (if a child is in danger of trafficking

0808 800 5000

Salvation Army (Modern slavery helpline)

Macmillan Support Line (if affected by cancer)

0345 800 3090

Marie Stopes International (family planning, contraception, pregnancy termination)

0808 808 0000

Prisoners Families Helpline

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