
About the Befriending Project

The Befriending Project has been developed in response to a growing need for support in the community of young Albanian asylum seekers and refugees. Young people are identified by Shpresa as needing befriending support as they are experiencing significant challenges, often as a result of their immigration status, the trauma they have fled in Albania, and the prejudice and discrimination that they are experiencing in the UK. Many of the young people Shpresa work with are isolated and are experiencing significant mental health difficulties. As a befriender, you will be matched with a young person to develop a trusting and supportive relationship. You will provide 1:1 telephone support through friendly conversations once a week or more to help improve the young person’s mental well-being and build their confidence.  

Join our Befriending Project

E-mail May Beth at

Here are some useful resources about our befriending project, if you are interested in becoming a befriender, please have a look: 

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