Guardians of Nature: The Keeping it Wild Project

The Guardians of Nature are a group of young people with a passion to make our world a little greener, and keep us a little healthier. The Guardians of Nature were created as part of the Keeping it Wild Project. Keeping it Wild is a youthled programme designed for young people who are not typically engaging in outdoor activities to learn about protecting and connecting with London’s wildlife. Shpresa Programme engaged young people aged 11-16 in the Keeping it Wild Project in partnership with London Wildlife Trust, London Youth, Headliners UK & John Muir Trust
Our Early Steps
This program started in November, when we had our first Zoom sessions with our Environmental Champions. With time, they named themselves as ‘The Guardians of Nature‘.
“This label came as a result of the ‘need for responsibility and social activism by young people in London to assess and save it from pollution, neglect and the deterioration of the environment, nature, green spaces and wildlife,'” – they said. The members of this group are young leaders and ambassadors of the Albanian-speaking community.

Guardians of Nature: Explore & Discover Stage
Explore and Discover The Explore and Discover Stage is the first part of our project. In this stage the Guardians of Nature came together for our first ZOOM meetings. The

Guardians of Nature: Events & More
Events and More While advocating for green change, the Guardians of Nature are also part of the whole Shpresa Programme family, which engages all of its teams and projects in

Living in Harmony
Living in Harmony Who are we ? The Living in Harmony team was created as a platform for young social activists that care about the green spaces, safety, and wellbeing

Cultural Shift
The Cultural Shift team was created to bring awareness and shift the culture of our community, through the mediums that we were all using extensively, especially during the pandemic – the digital world.

Can Do!
The Can Do! team was created to appreciate and understand wildlife and nature through arts and crafts.

The Green Ambassadors
As the Keeping it Wild project finishes, the Guardians of Nature do not stop being social activists of nature, wildlife and green spaces in London, we are determined to be the Green Ambassadors of Shpresa Programme.